The Sensual Blogging Award

Much thanks to Managua Gunn for nominating me for this award! 😀

The Rules

When nominated for the Sensual Blogging Award the blogger must*:

  • mention the blogger that nominated them
  • nominate a dozen other bloggers
  • answer seven sensual questions, and
  • use the nominating blog’s url to link from the award logo when pasting.

D.L. Aiden’s Nominees: blogs which have touched me or with which I can deeply empathise.

The Seven Sensual Questions

  1. Most romantic memory: A dark night under the stars
  2. Most sensual music: This version of Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine
  3. Most sensual season: Summer
  4. Favourite flower: Tiger-lily
  5. Favourite fruit: Apple (boring, I know 😉 )
  6. Best gift received: A soft toy cow, believe it or not. It’s the story behind it.
  7. Love is: a river that ebbs, and also flows.


*Feel free to ask/drop me an email if you need any more clarification.

6 thoughts on “The Sensual Blogging Award

  1. ninetyninepercentgaming

    My comments seem to be vanishing.. Let me try this again.

    Through some mess up, I wasn’t following this blog when I thought I was. Anyway, I received the ‘one lovely bl0g award’, and nominated your site along with fourteen others. Imagine my surprise when I come here to tell you and realize that you’ve nominated me as for an award as well! Thank you so much for the nomination, and please accept mine in return. 🙂


  2. melanielegault

    Congrats on your award! I’m always telling people about the Florence + Machine song Cosmic Love and no one has ever heard of it. I LOVE that song! It’s sensual but also a great driving tune. Love your blog.

    1. dlaiden Post author

      Thank you! And I know what you mean, most times if I even mention the band’s name people give me weird looks. I absolutely love her voice and the lyrics. 😀

    1. dlaiden Post author

      No problem. 🙂 About the toy: I basically mentioned that I didn’t have one to some friends, and one of them later ambushed me with the cow after my birthday. I found it rather sweet as it was so unexpected, and she even wrote a poem for it. It stays beside my bed now. 😉

  3. Ron Goetz

    I appreciate being among your nominees–thank you!

    I love how you have at least one line in your posts that gives me a chuckle. People definitely like to laugh! 😀


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