Tag Archives: toast

A Short Toast to My Thirtieth Post

Cheers guys.

I’m so happy, I feel like writing parts of this in Mandarin. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to put the tone signs on the words with an English keyboard; this escapes my moderately tech-savvy skills. Nor do I know the pinyin for every word to be used. Woe is me. But I am glad to have reached 30 posts! I’ve been blogging for 2 months and 1 week as of today and I’m surprised to have gotten this far. I’m also ridiculously happy to have the readers I do! So thank you everybody! 8000 views and 187 followers; hopefully we still have a long journey yet. 😀 I will leave you with this further story excerpt if you deign to read it (don’t worry if you’ve not read the previous ones, they’re all rather stand-alone.)

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